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Moab JK Jam 2009!!

January 12, 2009 wayoflife 3

The 2009 Moab Easter Jeep Safari is just around the corner and I’m happy to announce that this year, Project-JK will be hosting the JK event of the year along with Off Road Evolution over at the world famous Area BFE. This event, officially entitled the Moab JK Jam 2009, will take place on Wednesday, April the 8th and participants will get a chance to wheel some of the coolest trails in Moab, feast on great food, pick up some sweet swag and get a chance to win some awesome prizes – Admission is FREE!!

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Project-JK Eastcoast JK Fest 2008

October 28, 2008 wayoflife 6

On October 10, 2008, Eastcoast JK members finally got a chance to show the westcoast what wheeling really is at the Raush Creek Offroad Park in Tremont, PA. Sponsored by 4WD Hardware, the Project-JK’s Eastcoast JKFest was the first of it’s kind outside of California and without a doubt, it was clearly the biggest ever or anywhere!

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Project-JK Sidewinder & Bronco Peak Trail Run

September 16, 2008 wayoflife 7

Back in December of last year, a member of started a thread that showed photos of him doing a run up Bronco Peak in his new Jeep JK Wrangler 2-Door Sahara. At the time, he was riding on little more than a budget boost and 33″ tires and although he was able to make it through with some effort, it was his belief that it simply couldn’t be done in a 4-Door Unlimited. Of course, upon hearing this, I knew Bronco Peak was a run that I would have to do in my Rubicon Unlimited and do as soon as I could. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be until last weekend that I would finally get my chance but I am glad that I finally did.

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August 20, 2008 wayoflife 6

Located deep in the heart of the Sierra Nevada Mountains near the Sonora Pass, Niagara Rim is a beautiful trail that Cindy and I had been wanting to run for quite some time now but always found it logistically difficult to do. Certainly, it’s quite a haul to get to from our home down in Southern California and it’s even quite the trek from South Lake Tahoe where we normally spend a good part of our summers. And, being that Niagara Rim is a ‘difficult’ rated trail, it’s also one that we preferred not to do alone and finding friends who could join us out in this remote location had proven to be somewhat of a challenge. Needless to say, when we announced that we would be doing a run/camping trip out on this trail about a month ago over on, we weren’t sure what to expect and had no idea of who if anyone would be able come along. Of course, what we hadn’t taken into consideration was the fact that just about every planned run on has a way of getting people to come out of the woodwork and this trip was no exception to the rule. Much to my surprise, when all was said and done, we were able to get a total of 10 Jeep JK Wranglers coming from all over Northern and Southern California to join us.

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An Adventure of a Lifetime
The 56th Annual Jeepers Jamboree 2008

July 28, 2008 wayoflife 10

In addition to its spectacular beauty and rich history, there is a reason why the Rubicon is legendary and considered to be the Mecca of all Jeep trails. Without a doubt, the Rubicon is by far one of the most challenging and demanding 17 miles of trail that you can possibly run. The countless boulders, ledges, trees, water crossings, mud, tippy rock faces and tight squeezes that you encounter along its entire length are relentless and determined to break you down both mentally and physically. Certainly, the Rubicon is not a trail for the faint of heart or the squimish as breakdowns, rollovers and body damage is the norm and is to be expected. And, if you’re feeling the call that all Jeepers feel deep inside their hearts of running the Rubicon someday, I would highly recommend that you do it with the Jeepers Jamboree.

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Adventures on the 395

June 24, 2008 wayoflife 2

To celebrate the kids getting out of school for the summer, the doojers, WOLette and I decided to make a 3 day trek up the good ol’ 395. Leaving on Wednesday night, we met up with the doojers in Culver City and made our way to Lone Pine where we stayed the night with the hopes of getting a fresh and early start in the morning.

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Odessa Canyon Trail Run Video – “A 5-SCREAM Run!!!”

December 30, 2007 wayoflife 3

Our latest YouTube video addition highlights a trail run that we did up Odessa Canyon back in September and as our good friend Jennifer (aka – toad) can be quoted as saying, it truly was “a 5-SCREAM run!” As you’ll see, this trail required a lot of low range work as well as a fair amount of winching and strapping in order for us to climb up and over the myriad of boulders and dry falls we encountered along the way…

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Project-JK Death Valley Racetrack Run 2007

November 14, 2007 wayoflife 10
With WayOfLife and WayOfLifette away at SEMA in the days leading up to this trip, we continued the tradition of putting the details of this run together at the last minute. What was originally planned as a three-day run over a holiday weekend ended up as a two-day run due to some schedule conflicts, and many of the regulars had to miss the trip due to the flu that was going around. We still managed to gather seven JKs for a fun weekend of easy trails and some of the best scenery that the California desert has to offer.
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1st Annual Project-JK Anza Borrego
Coyote Canyon Newbie Run 2007

October 16, 2007 wayoflife 7
Although our recent run up the Anza Borrego Coyote Canyon Trail was supposed to be a basic ‘newbie run’ designed to get people new to Jeeps and the sport of off-roading out on the trail, I think it’s safe to say that this trip was anything but. At least, with 14 Jeep JK Wranglers in our group, 12 of which were modified to some degree and only three of the drivers new to Jeeps and/or off roading, pretty much the only thing really new about this run was some of the faces that joined us for the ride. But hey, whatever it takes to get people out it’s all good by me.
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Odessa Canyon Trail Run

September 25, 2007 wayoflife 8
Funny how when you take the time and plan out a trip weeks or sometimes even months in advance, nobody comes. And, when you decide to pick up and head out to the trail on a whim, you can get 4-5 rigs to come along with ease. At least, that’s how our last trip up to Monache Meadow and Sherman Pass went and as I’m sure you’ve probably guessed by now, that’s how things worked again this past weekend.
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Sierra Nevada Labor Day Weekend Run

September 5, 2007 wayoflife 2

Of all the trips that we’ve gone on this year, I’d have to say that this was by far the mother of all last minute runs. In fact, I don’t think any of us had any idea as to where we might be going – if we were going, until the Friday before and even then, nobody had a clue as to what the plan was until close to 10:00 PM that night.

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Buck Rock Trail Run 2007

August 28, 2007 wayoflife 9

After seeing some of the amazing photos that our very own JK-Forum member (JKTyrant) took while vacationing up in Hume Lake, California, we decided that a trip up there was needed in order for us to see this awesome scenery for ourselves.