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HEARTLAND : The 2012 JK-Experience
Redbird, Indiana [Part 1 of 3]

January 2, 2013 wayoflife 10

In this first of a 3 part WAYALIFE film series, you will see the beginning of our week long adventure which started in Terra Haute, Indiana and got us playing out in the hills of the Red Bird Off Road Park. For most of us, this was our first time playing in real Heartland of America mud and, thanks to a little storm known as Hurricane Isaac dumping 6� of rain before we got there, it was one hell of an experience!

TRAIL FIX TIP: Replacing a Damaged Valve Stem

December 21, 2012 wayoflife 0

If you have a 2008 or newer Jeep, your wheels will have come with TPMS or, valve stems that have a Tire Pressure Monitoring System. These sensors provide your Jeep’s computer with real-time tire-pressure information and will alert you if one or more tires are running low on air.

Busted Brakeline Trail Fix Tip

December 20, 2012 wayoflife 1

You can do what you can to help keep your brakelines out of harms way but, rocks, logs and other obstacles will still have a way of reaching up and snagging them when you least expect. Unfortuantely, it doesn’t take much to sever a line or to even tear one out and when that happens, you had better hope you’re in a position where braking isn’t required.

Front Axle Shafts : C-Clips vs. Full Circle Clips

December 19, 2012 wayoflife 0

I know it’s all the rage to beef up a factory axle housing when planning to run bigger tires but, I can assure you that well before you’ll ever come close to breaking a housing, you’re almost certainly break a factory front axle shaft.

Odyssey Extreme Series Battery PC1220
for 2012-Up Jeep JK Wranglers

December 18, 2012 wayoflife 3

In 2012, Chrysler decided to switch out the standard Group 34 battery they had been using since 2007 and replaced it with a Group 91. For the most part, this would be no big deal as they are pretty much the same thing but, there is one key difference that makes it difficult to use a Group 34 and, that is the terminals are on opposite sides. Because the power and ground leads are cut to such an exact length, you can’t simply cross them over and call it a day. Of course, to complicate things even more, a Group 91 battery isn’t really a common size and certainly not one you can find easily in a deep cycle format or, at least not until now.

Before Hitting the Trails

November 27, 2012 wayoflife 27

If there’s one question I get asked all the time from new Jeepers it’s, “what’s the first mod I should do to my Jeep?â€? And, my answer to them is always the same, “recovery gearâ€?. Fact of the matter is, whether you’re new to the world of off-roading with a right off the show room floor stock Jeep, or a long time veteran with a highly modified built up trail rig, everyone gets into a jam sooner or later.