SNAKE EYES Teaser Clip : Moby Taking on the Fordyce Jeep Trail Winch Hill #1

Just 2 more days till the release of SNAKE EYES : A fateful Trip across the Fordyce Jeep Trail! To keep your juices flowing, here’s another short teaser clip from the film and this time, it’s of Moby taking on the infamous Winch Hill #1. Of the 5 winch hills on the trail, #1 is considered by most to be one of the hardest. Strewn with large loose boulders, just getting to the foot of the main obstacle can prove to be a real challenge and once you’re at the v-notch, there really aren’t too many options. Of course, having big flex and a big set of tires can make all the difference in whether or not you need to break out the winch.

We hope that you enjoyed the clip and that you’ll come back to watch the full length film on Sunday, October 18, 2015!

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