Off Road Evolution’s Jeep JK Wrangler EVO Trail Table

Of all the non-performance enhancing off road accessories I have seen come out for the Jeep JK Wrangler, I’d have to say that the all new Off Road Evolution EVO 1017: EVO Trail Table is by far one of the most useful and coolest.  Certainly, I think it’s definitely something that everyone could use.

Made out of 1/8″ steel construction and powder coated black, the EVO Trail Table is extremely durable and functional.  Mounted to the inside surface of your Jeep JK Wrangler’s rear tailgate, the EVO Trail Table store flat and out of the way when not in use and takes up so little room that it’ll even clear your subwoofer.  When in use, the EVO Trail Table folds out and provides an impressive 348 sq. in. of space that can be used as a picnic table, camp stove stand or even a work bench. 

Features and Benefits
• Made specifically for the JK to maximize area while clearing the rear subwoofer
• 348 sq. in. of usable surface area
• Folds up when not in use, taking very little cargo area.  Only takes up 1.5�? of cargo area
• 1/8�? steel construction
• Powder Coated Black
• Extremely durable
• Various uses from a trail work bench to a picnic/bar-b-que table
• Easy installation. Drilling Required
• Can be mounted in two variations.  Table folds up or down.
• Made in the USA

To see more photos of the Off Road Evolution EVO 1017: EVO Trail Table in use or to see how strong and versitle it is, click on the link below:

Off Road Evolution EVO 1017: EVO Trail Table Photo Gallery

For more information about the Off Road Evolution EVO 1017: EVO Trail Table, please contact Off Road Evolution by email at: or by phone at: (714) 870-5515.  Or, visit their website at:



  1. I like the idea and execution, and I’ve no doubt it is very well-built, but I can’t see paying that much for it. Maybe it’ll come down to something a bit more reasonable; I might go for something around $90 or $100.

  2. We are glad you like the EVO Trail Table. We looked into building a table that would be cheaper,in the price range you suggested, but at this time we decided not to sacrifice quality and durabliity (thiner less durable material) to do so. This table is thick 1/8″ steel construction, Stainless hardware, quality made in the USA.

  3. I just ordered this and am looking forward to receiving it, I designed one myself that was vaguely similar and looked into having it built, but couldnt hit the cost of yours premade. and i used lighter steel.

    *watchin for the Brown truck*

  4. I just purchased this recently and was very impressed with the quality and overall design. With that said, a few comments about installation;
    The pictures in the installation manual need some serious revamping since they are way too dark and do not show key components as directed. I had a few problems to be honest. When I followed the directions for the installation, I drilled the top holes at first as directed, but found the bottom holes can not be drilled since the tail gate vent plate is too week to drill. I had to redrill the top holes again down and to the left 45 degrees about a 1/4 inch. This allowed just enough room for the bottom of the table to clear the floor of my jeep (carpet), and allow for the lower holes to be drilled below the gate vents and clear my factory speaker in the back.
    In the instructions it recommends to counter-sink some of the holes with a 3/8″ in the EVO support plate. I don’t have a proper drill for this (vertical table style with clamps), and had to use a hand drill. It would have been so much easier and save less time if the holes were pre-drilled before shipping.
    Once I had the back plate on though, the rest was simple and overall provides a really solid and good looking functional add-on to my jeep.
    I would recommend this product to others since it is a great design with quality materials.

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