What You Will Need
• A Pair of Hands
• 5 Minutes of Your Time
• A Place to Store the Roof Panels
Additional Information
Hard Top Paint Codes:
Black – RXF
Khaki – ZJ8
Special Thanks
I’d like to thank Jeff Sladick of Don-A-Vee Jeep in Placentia, CA for being so accommodating with all my picture requests and for helping me to make this write-up possible. |
There are two holes on the back roll bar. (looking down at the roll bar) If you look at the front portion of your hard top (again from above) on the outside corner you will see where the last two torx screws bold down. This reinforces the front of the hard top when the two front panels are off.
hi eddie,
i want know info about top
have had 07 unlimited new sahara w tow package & hard & soft took fredom top off finally w simple pulley & boat strap
very unbalanced although poss w x3 folk have a top cart very handy to store top upright w casters a must have!!!!
live in s.fla mucho rain!!! no leaks w freedom top ever.
soft top never used[dont go topless in 100 degress w 100%humidity during summer,soft top needs to strech[pain in butt to get it right]windows pain in butt as well instructions poor my work as operating room RN/MANAGER GENERAL SURGERY [i am used to to complex surgical equipment&instruction manuals] soft top OEM instructions POOR thanks PROJECT jk
JK project KUDOS to it
When I stored my hard top the corners the larger piece got damaged. Is there a kit or tubing that is available to protect the edges and corners? Also you mentioned black polish to touch up scratches on the hard top. Can you be more specific?
When I remove the front two panels of the top of my 2008 Wrangler 2 door, I have removed the two plastic headed screws that secure the panels up through the soundbar. With the front two panels gone, wind gets between the top of the now exposed sound bar and the underside of the rear section of the top. This causes the rear section of the top to “bang” against the soundbar as I’m driving and is really anoying. Is there any way to secure the front lip of the rear top piece so that it doesn’t do this whiule the front two panels are out? Thanks
Is there a way to remove the rear window only on the Freedom top, would like to have more free flowing air combined with shade from top.
My passager side roof latch squeeks terrible. Has anyone else experience this type of noise – and how was it fixed?
does anybody have the color code for the black freedom top??????
How do you remove the whole roof of the wrangler? I lost my instructions.
Much appreciated
Does anyone know if the Freedom Top will fit through a typical sized home door? I don’t have a garage to store it in on days I want to go topless, but I do have room on my balcony.
I need some replacement foam and tap for my top – does anyone know the part numbers or where I can get them?
I have a 2007 4 door Jeep Rubiccon,I paid cash for it. It has been nothing but a nightmare! Going down the road you can see daylight through the top of the door on the drivers door since day one. Both front doors leaks like a sift. I have had it at the dealer 5 times, Chrysler Rep. came and checked it out and tried to say my husband bent the header bar. We have not even rode with the top down!! The Rep. refused to cover it under warranty, so we went to a Lemon Law Lawer. It is in their hands now!!
I have a 2008 Sahara 2 door and was told not to remove only one side of the front panel (freedom top) but to remove both sides. The photos above show 1 side removed…any feedback?
I own a 2008 4-door Unlimited X and a few months after purchasing the Jeep we started to have a water leak problem. Water deposits on driver’s floor. Dealer has done testing and the part ordered: 68004562-ac is not available anywhere in the USA. Chrysler/Jeep said they have a nationwide backorder on this part. This is the roof tile clamps. Some units came defective. ON a different note, we noticed a few months after owning the Jeep that the black parts on the entire unit start to fade and to turn white. We are using the product Black on Black from Mothers and we love it. Easy to apply and we apply it once a month. Looks like new every time. Anyone else with a similar issue on this part we are waiting for to be replaced as part of Jeep’s warranty?
Hi all. Sorry if i hijacked this thread but I was wondering about the doors. I just bought a jeep wrangler 4 door and have had it about a week. The weather is turning nice and I’d like to take the doors off. Problem is. It has power windows and there is nothing in the manual that tells you how to do this. Any input? links? sites?…Thanks..happy jeeping…Bob
Bob T – I have the electric windows and locks as well on an 09 Wrangler 4 door. If you want to take off the doors you must disconnect the electric wire inside the door straps. There is a plug on you need to disconnect. It is hard to do if you have never done before. First there is a red sliding “lock” you have to slide into the open position. Then, in the middle of the plug is a plastic piece that you have to press and you will hear it click, then it will release very easy. Don’t try to pull unless you hear the click.
Now you can unscrew the bolts and take the doors off.
One reminder, the cops will pull you over if you do not have side mirrors, you may want to order some.
Have fun.
Thanks John. I figured it out. It really is quite simple. All four doors came off in a snap. Can I fabricate the mirrors? Or do they have to come from a manufacturer?>
After putting my top back on I have am having squeek issues. any suggestions?
When I remove my front driver and/or passenger side panels…is there any sunroof type replacement covers or panels available that I can use that can open and close but also keep the rain out in the closed position?
Hi, I have the 2010 Wrangler Sport unlimited. What is the name of the trail tool I need to remove the top and the write up you have on here states no tool needed to take just the top part off? Do I need the tool and where do I get one?
hi i have a soft top wrangler four door and wanted to know if weathering on the jeep , without the top on, for about a two to three day period would do any damage to the car but not on a rainny day just a normal humid night and some what hot days?
Thinking seriously to buy a 2011 wrangler two door with freedom top. Would like info about roof top tent capacity for freedom top especially since it supposably is not made for a roof rack. Would also like info on which snow plow set up is best as we have tons of it here in Canada. Thirdly any info on mpg in the the 2012 wrangler which is supposed to have the new Penstar motor? Might wait for the 2012 model if mpg is extremely better. Thanks.
Where could I find those blots that screw into the soundbar? To hold the freedom pieces down.
Does anyone know if a 2010 freedom top will fit on a 2008?
yes, it should
I have a 07 Sahara I bought new, the freedom top is starting to squeak is there something I can lube the weather seals with and is there a way to adjust the front pull-downs by the sun visors to pull down tighter. or should you replace rubber seals on two front panels?
I just bought a freedom top and put it on my jeep. I heard that if the driver and passenger panels are out, you should open the back glass. Supposedly, the wind could could warp and damage the top due to expansion. Is this true?
i’ve misplaced my starage cover for my panels does anyonee know where to get another one?
I have a 2011 Jeep Wrangler Sahara. Can I remove the rear doors but yet keep the rear hard top installed? It looks like I can but want to make sure I won’t hurt anything.
I finaly bought a JK 2007 , I was so excited until I found that my soft top leaks when it rains.
I can not get any help from Crysler, they say its not a problem they have heared of.
I spoke to a crystler engeneer and he knew what I was going to say as soon as I mentioned problem with soft top…
I was thinking of buying a hard top but is worried it will still leak, can someone advice me.
I have a 2008 wrangler unlimited and I am searching for soundbar screw with plastic cup. Fits right next to the dome light to hold two front hardtop panels. Part # 25771-2. Can not find it for the life of me! Any help???
I bought the 2012 jk with freedom top. worst piece of junk I have ever driven have had the seals replaced and have NEVER removed hard tops since repair, checked the screws were tight every couple weeks, but it leaks like a strainer again. Ity is embarrassing to own and I will never buy or recommend any jeep product,ever in my life. they are completely worthless and a general rip-off.
Concerning mirrors when taking doors off. Found a bicycle mirror with the same thread as the torque screw in the window hinge. Had to bend the passenger side slightly to pick up the corners of the vehicle. Works great.
Might not be stable enough for off road but give it a try.
Has anyone driven around without the round bolt in the sound bar for the hard top? On nice un-rainy days it would be easier to leave them out.