This is a shot of everything you will get with your new Tuffy Security Conceal Carry Underseat Drawer. |
1. Using an 18mm socket, remove the front bolt closest to the center console securing the driver seat bracket to the floor of your Jeep. |
2. Again, using an 18mm socket, remove the front bolt closest to door securing the driver seat bracket to the floor. |
3. Slide the Tuffy Security Conceal Carry Drawer under the driver seat with the flange closest to the center console on top of the seat bracket and, the one closest to the door, under the bracket as shown. |
4. Using an 18mm socket, reinstall the factory seat bracket bolt closest to the center console. |
5. Using an 18mm socket, reinstall the factory seat bracket bolt closest to the door. |
6. Using the key provided, make sure to lock the Tuffy Security Conceal Carry Drawer before you drive your Jeep. |
For Additional Security
1. Using an 18mm socket, remove the rear 2 bolts securing your driverside seat brackets to the floor of your Jeep.2. Tilt the driverside seat up and back to give you some room to work on the floor beneath it. |
3. Slide your Tuffy Security Conceal Carry Drawer until it’s fully open. Then press the plastic release levers on both sides of the tracks while gently pulling the drawer further out as shown. |
4. Remove the drawer completely off the tracks. |
5. Use the outer shell of the Tuff Security Conceal Carry Drawer as a template to mark the location of the rear mounting hole.6. Verify that there are no wires, brake lines or other vital components under your Jeep’s tub and then proceed to drill a hole for the rear bolt.
7. Secure the rear corner of the Tuff Security Conceal Carry Drawer shell to the floor of your Jeep using the hardware provided.
8. Reinstall your driverside seat and you’re done. |
Installed Photos
This is what the Tuff Security Conceal Carry Drawer looks like installed and in the closed/locked position. |
Here’s what it looks like fully open. As you can see, it provides a substantial amount of storage room. |
This view from head on shows just how well the Tuff Security Conceal Carry Drawer maximizes the space under the seat. |
As you can see here, the Tuff Security Conceal Carry Drawer provides ample room to store this .45 Bretta and without any problems opening or closing it. |
If you want to see all the photos for this write-up, simply click on the link below:
Tuffy Security Conceal Carry
Underseat Drawer Photo GalleryPlease let me know if you have any questions. |
This looks great !
one question: where did you find your Mag-Lite holder? This is the best place to put it !! 🙂
That is the standard Mag Lite holder they sell at the same place you buy the Mag Lite itself.
how on earth did you get the seat bolts off? I nearly rounded the bolts and they would not budge!!
try using a 6 sided socket as opposed to a 12 and, use a big 1/2″ ratchet as opposed to a small 3/8″. the bolts have blue loc-tite on them and the extra leverage will help you out a lot.
On my 2012 JKU I had to remove a big piece of metal underneath the seat which was a bracket to hold a wiring harness. I do NOT have side airbags so the wires were not for that. It turned what should have been a 10 minute install into a 30 minute sweat filled ordeal with some busted knuckles.
I have a 2011 wrangler unlimited and are considering this project. My question concerns a thin metal bracket under the seat, located on the left rail. I beleive it’s for the seat belt sensor harness. Do I need to remove this or will the box clesr it. If I need to remove it, is there alot involved as I didn’t really see how it is attached ? Thank you in advance !!!!!
The bracket is removed and the wires are zip-tied to the seat. Really easy.
How in the world does the slide system work in trying to reinstall the drawer? The unit is completely installed, but try as I might, the drawer hits a solid spot halfway back, and even if I push the little plastic keepers up, the drawer hits what feels and sounds like a metallic stop. I can’t seem to find what is stopping it.
Quick question about this product:
Is the inside of this thing at all padded? I worry if things I put in will rattle a lot or even slide around. Also, does the drawer itself rattle around at all on it’s tracks when driving? Is it pretty sturdy? I’m a huge stickler for interior noise. I worry that this will introduce noise as I drive. Thanks!
The inside is bare metal. I lined mine with some rubber liner and rolled it on with silcone.
If you want to avoid rattle, consider attaching it using the security bolt method, even though you’ll have to drill into the body.